Guidance for Leaders, Teams, and Peer Groups During Crisis & Beyond


From virtual, one-on-one meetings to small group sessions, coaching produces positive change that develops top performers and drives organizational success – even during times of crisis.

In crisis situations, executives and their teams are challenged to make decisions and take actions that determine their organization's future. Successfully leading during unprecedented times will help sustain companies and their employees. Coaching is a partnership that provides a safe environment for open, honest questions, and discussion. Whether formal or informal, virtual or in person, ERC offers coaching services to leaders, teams, and peer groups.

Our certified and trained coaches are results-focused and bring the responsibility for sustainable change to an individual level – whether the objectives are qualitative, quantitative or both. We partner with a wide range of local, national, and global coaches, allowing us to match the right coach with every client.

Virtual Coaching for Leaders

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, leaders are facing new challenges and leading their people in an entirely new way. The pressure to make the right decisions is greater than ever. And even though they might not have all the answers, the best leaders know that there are outside resources to help them succeed. 

A professional coach is an excellent guide for leaders in times of crisis. A coach helps executives work through their priorities, using insights and reflections. A coach also serves as an outside voice to help leaders think through their actions and decisions. Rather than trying to work out issues alone, working alongside a coach can provide alternative perspectives. 

Coaching differs from mentoring, consulting, and counseling in that the coach is not an expert in a particular field, but in “holding up the mirror” of self-reflection and awareness. The result is positive individual change through introspection, goal-setting, and personal action. 

Virtual Coaching for Teams

In addition to leaders, coaches can greatly impact intact, internal teams. Coaching provides structure, support, and empowerment that allows teams to become more aware and adapt and integrate new behaviors. Such new behaviors create sustainable change. Coaches can discuss the best ways to work together in strenuous situations, and they can help review team actions and plans. While results are important, coaches primarily focus on helping teams successfully handle a broad range of challenges.

Virtual Coaching for Peer Groups

Different than team coaching, which provides support to intact, internal teams, group coaching is an external resource for a small group of peers who need guidance during periods of uncertainty and in everyday work life at their respective organizations. Coaching for peers offers an outside reference group and a professional coach who collectively focus on growth, learn best practices, and achieve positive results.

Group coaching is an affordable resource for leaders at all levels. During group coaching sessions, leaders discuss and work through current issues that they are facing in their work environments. Especially during times of change and crisis, group coaching provides much-needed solutions, support, and resources.  

Meet Alison Brunsdon

Director, Coaching & Assessment Services at ERC

AlisonAlison Brunsdon is a strategic, global talent leader with over 30 years of experience across a variety of industries and HR disciplines. She is an accomplished coach to leaders, teams, and individuals who has the vision and proven ability to drive transformative organizational change.

At ERC, Alison leads a robust coaching and assessments practice that is rooted in current methodologies and concrete research. She develops client relationships and oversees our executive coaching business, as well as our team of trained and certified coaches.

Alison also manages ERC’s full suite of selection and team-building assessments, using these ability and personality measures to complement our coaching solutions. 

Contact Alison for More Information


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